Home News and resources Care Together Program visits Bega


Gillian McFee presenting the Introducing Co-operative Care workshop Bega June 2023

On Wednesday, 28 June, the Care Together Program team visited Bega Shire in New South Wales, to deliver location-specific training and co-op development and hold one-on-one meetings with local groups and individuals interested in learning more about Care Together and the co-op and mutual business model.

Our Introducing Co-operative Care workshop was held for current NDIS and aged care/disability worker seeking information on alternative models of care delivery under the co-op model, and individuals interested in considering working in care and seeking information on alternative models of care delivery under the co-op model.

The half-day, face-to-face workshop helped participants to:

  • Understand the Care Together Program and opportunities for the Bega Region to be involved in a Care Together project
  • Understand the co-operative and mutual business model, its history, how it works and what is involved in getting one up
  • Learn about existing co-ops to provide inspiration and understanding of the co-op model in place with a focus on social care, aged care and disability support
  • Hear about other co-operatives and mutuals successfully delivering care in Australia

Are you interested in innovative, cross-sector, place-based solutions for care delivery where you live? We invite expressions of interest from individuals, organisations or communities to partner with the Care Together Program to support your project as a co-operative or mutual.

Clare Fountain, Gillian McFee and Antony McMullen ready to present Care Together's Introducing Co-operative Care workshop Bega June 2023. They are standing in front of the presentation screen and banner.
Group activity during our Introducing Co-operative Care workshop Bega June 2023

Are you working on a community-led care solution where you live?

Explore the potential of co-operative and mutual structures to enhance diversity and choice in health, community and social services.
Find out more about co-ops and mutuals
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