Home About Theory of change

How the Care Together Program will achieve its goal

Senior people watching television together

The Care Together Program is informed by a “theory of change” – a framework that demonstrates the program logic underpinning the design and delivery of the program to meet the milestones and delivery timeline. Applying this theory of change, the program is informed by a premise that increasing the diversity of ownership through business model innovation and stimulating the development of more co-ops and mutuals in areas where current approaches are not working, will build capacity in these areas and support the achievement of the program’s goal, which is the delivery of dignified, safe and quality social care for vulnerable people provided by empowered, well-trained workers in decent jobs.

By applying this theory of change, the program will demonstrate innovative solutions for improving the appropriateness and sustainability of social care services in areas where other models are not working. Cross-sector, multi-disciplinary models will be an important focus of the Care Together Program and aligned to these high-level program outcomes:

  • Supporting the establishment of innovative models of social care delivery (including aged care, disability care, veterans’ care, Indigenous care services, allied health and primary care including multi-disciplinary teams) in areas where current approaches are not working
  • Increasing opportunities for providers of social care to transition to co-operative and mutual models to address workforce challenges and improve service delivery

The end goal of the theory of change and the Care Together Program is dignified, safe, quality, social care for vulnerable people in all settings, including regional, rural and remote, delivered by empowered well-trained workers in decent jobs.

Are you working on a community-led care solution where you live?

Explore the potential of co-operative and mutual structures to enhance diversity and choice in health, community and social services.

Find out more about co-ops and mutuals