Project approach
Supporting the establishment of new co-operative and mutual enterprises that provide sustainable workforce solutions in areas where current approaches are not working

The Care Together Program supports the establishment of new co-operatives and mutuals that provide sustainable workforce solutions in areas where current approaches are not working. To achieve this, it is identifying and supporting the growth of new and existing social care co-operatives and mutuals in priority areas, as well as existing organisations looking to convert to a co-operative or mutual model. Care Together embeds co-operative values and principles into each project to demonstrate how a diversity of ownership in care services can deliver improved outcomes for workers, consumers and communities.
An additional project of the Care Together Program is a flagship digital innovation project to enable small and medium sized co-operatives to be networked and provide back-office services.
Possible projects could include:
- Supporting place-based integrated social care services in regional, rural or remote locations
- Enabling more new worker co-ops to form in social care
- Empowering consumers of social care through a buyer’s co-op
- Developing innovative co-operatively owned housing and support options in aged care, building on the SILC model in disability care
- Empowering Indigenous communities to support culturally appropriate home care and social co-ops that are Indigenous-owned
- Building secondary co-ops that network smaller co-ops with shared business services
- Establishing place-based, multi-disciplinary health and social care teams that are co-operatively owned
How can I find out more?
Our expression of interest process provided an opportunity for projects to be selected based on criteria aligned to the objectives of the Care Together Program.
Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in innovative, cross-sector, place-based solutions for care delivery. We appreciate the enthusiasm and commitment from individuals, organisations and communities who have partnered with Care Together to support their projects. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact the Care Together team.

Are you working on a community-led care solution where you live?
Explore the potential of co-operative and mutual structures to enhance diversity and choice in health, community and social services.