RAC’s journey towards all abilities inclusion
RAC has employed 20 people through Disability Employment Services providers, creating a positive culture change across the organisation.

In 2014 RAC commenced a formal partnership with a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider to establish a supportive and targeted approach to employ people identifying with a disability. The following year, RAC launched a formal diversity and inclusion strategy and embraced a new culture heavily focussed on behaviours. This holistic approach established strong foundations to accelerate RAC’s commitment to increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
RAC has since employed 20 people through DES providers, creating a positive culture change across the organisation.
Jenelle was employed by RAC straight out of high school through RAC’s partnership with Edge Employment Solutions. She joined the People Services team under the guidance and support of her Leader, Leesa. For the last five years, Jenelle has worked as a HR Administration Assistant with duties that include filing, archiving, organising staff memberships and the files for new starters.

Leadership was critical to the success of people joining RAC. The organisation supported its leaders who demonstrated strong inclusivity and who showed courage to step-up and learn from working with someone with a disability by focussing on their talent.
During her time with RAC, Jenelle has overcome her shyness and developed a lot of confidence. Jenelle has participated in a number of corporate volunteering events including car washing for the Cancer Council WA, potting for Trillion Trees, and cooking meals for the residents of Ronald McDonald House and the Cancer Council’s regional residents. The highlight of Jenelle’s career with RAC has been her nomination as a finalist for the organisation’s annual Look Out for Each Other Award for workplace safety.
Jenelle credits her success at work, to Leesa as “an amazing leader who goes out of her way to make me feel valued at work and outside work”.
Jenelle’s success in the role has been achieved through her will to develop, participation in all team and Social Club events, strong organisational leadership and an inclusive team culture.
RAC has established an Enabling All Abilities Working group to accelerate the organisation’s work to becoming more inclusive for people identifying with a disability. Led by the General Manager of HR with the executive sponsorship of RAC’s Chief Operating Officer, the team has three objectives:
- Employability – Increase employment opportunities for people identifying with a disability
- Accessibility – Improve accessibility for RAC people, Members and customers (physical and digital)
- Advocating for Inclusion – Increase education and awareness for RAC leaders and RAC employees
Indications of RAC’s progress for a diverse and inclusive culture has been provided through the recent appointment of several people with disabilities who have applied directly to RAC and not through a DES provider.
In 2019 the RAC team have continued to achieve progress on all objectives by:
- Employing 10 people (3 through direct applications);
- Working with four DES partners;
- Removing doors that were unnecessary barriers;
- Conducting a building accessibility audit; and
- Continuing to share the stories of their All Abilities Ambassadors.
We’re on the journey – from good to great; from intent to impact – RAC!
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