Murrumbidgee Aged Care Network
Residential Aged Care providers working together for sustainability

A Care Together Project
Murrumbidgee Aged Care Network
Murrumbidgee region, NSW, covering approximately 125,000 square kilometres from the Snowy Mountains in the east to the northwest plains and along the Victorian border to Wentworth.
What is the market failure being addressed?
Residential aged care facilities provide a vital service in the region, allowing people to be cared for as they age in their local communities. The nine small independent operators involved in this project are also important employers of local staff. However, most aged care facilities in the region are struggling to cope with the growing administrative burden associated with issues such as recruitment, reporting, IT support, compliance and training. With increasing regulations flowing from the Federal Government review of aged care legislation, there is a related increase in administrative workload on managers and boards, which is unsustainable. These pressures all add up to an increased risk of closure if appropriate solutions cannot be found.
What is the project seeking to achieve?
The overarching aim of the project is to ensure the sustainability of aged care services in the Murrumbidgee region so that local people can continue to age in place. The project is exploring whether a co-operative might assist the existing residential aged care facilities by centralising some of the key administrative functions to achieve economies of scale and free up management time which might be better spent addressing the quality of care. By collaborating on shared services, these smaller, community-based providers can achieve greater efficiencies while still remaining independent and community care focused. A co-op would also allow for like-minded organisations to come together to share ideas on achieving common goals, even where the implementation might look slightly different for each facility.

This image shows how forming a co-operative can support community owned and operated Aged Care Providers to focus on delivering quality placed based care to those that need it.
Project update
The Murrumbidgee Aged Care Network Co-operative has worked steadily towards achieving its goal of being operational by the end of the financial year. Key milestones include finalising the financial modelling and business plan, including a comprehensive risk analysis. The steering committee met in early March to formalise a set of rules for the co-operative ahead of applying for registration. The steering committee has also been actively engaged in identifying its membership base and exploration of potential funding sources with the overall aim of creating long-term sustainability and high-quality service delivery in the aged care sector.
In coming months the focus will be on continued collaboration, ensuring mutual support and information exchange while advancing co-operative development. Key milestones include finalising the financial modelling and business plan, including a comprehensive risk analysis. Efforts will also be directed toward completing the governance structure and finalising the necessary legal documentation for registration, with the lodging of the rules marking a significant step forward in formalising the co-operative.
The co-op is aiming to be operational by the end of June.
Murrumbidgee Aged Care Network in the news
“Older Australians aging in small regional communities deserve the same high standards of care as those in larger urban communities, so it is vital we find ways to ensure the sustainability of services like ours.” “By working together, we have the opportunity to address common administrative challenges that have the potential to detract from our ability to provide our residents with the highest quality care.”
Project leader
The project is being driven by a steering committee consisting of managers from five of the providers involved.
“The co-operative model offers us the potential to share back office services, while retaining our independence, and to explore some innovative approaches to attracting and retaining key staff.”
– Karen Hodgson, Steering committee lead

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