Home News and resources Peter Westoby’s conversations with Richard Warner


Richard Warner, man in black t-shirt, headshot

Three part podcast series

Conversation #1

Peter Westoby and Richard Warner talk about the two co-operatives they work for – Community Praxis Co-op and Nundah Community Enterprise Co-op – which are both are celebrating their 25th year anniversaries this year. Richard shares the story of the co-op.

Conversation #2

In this conversation between Peter Westoby and Richard Warner, Richard explains why the co-operative model was chosen for their social enterprise. 

Conversation #3

Peter Westoby and Richard Warner explore the meta-level work of taking innovative and effective social enterprise work to scale. Scaling-up is contrasted with scaling-across and horizontal learning approaches. Richard shares stories of Nundah Community Enterprise Co-op’s experiments in going to scale – including the Community Enterprise Initiative in partnership with Community Praxis Co-op, and the work of Queensland Social Enterprise Council.

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