Home News and resources Inquiry into delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communities

BCCM submission

Smiling gardeners having food and drink with disabled colleague sitting amidst plants outside greenhouse

BCCM’s submission considers the obstacles making it more difficult for co-operatives and mutuals to operate on a level playing field with other organisation forms, and the barriers these create in the delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy.

The submission highlights the role of co-operative and mutuals in promoting increased user choice and greater economic participation and meaningful work opportunities for people with disability.

BCCM urges priority for systemically addressing and removing barriers that place restrictions on the formation and operation of co-operatives and mutuals.

Jurisdiction: Australian Government

Committee: Senate Community Affairs References Committee

Submission date: 31 May 2017


Are you working on a community-led care solution where you live?

Explore the potential of co-operative and mutual structures to enhance diversity and choice in health, community and social services.
Find out more about co-ops and mutuals
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