Home News and resources Inquiry into and report on the transitional arrangements for the NDIS

BCCM submission

A woman looks happy and confident as she leads a group discussion at her place of work. She is a wheelchair user and has Muscular Dystrophy.

BCCM’s submission provides feedback from co-operatives operating in the NDIS and highlights the role co-operatives can play in market development.

The submission speaks to concerns on market readiness and opportunities for transformational innovation in the NDIS, in order for participants to exercise full choice and control.

The BCCM encourages the formation of more co-operatives and mutuals, especially those where the members are consumers and workers, as part of a broader strategy to change the culture of service provision to one that is member centric.

Jurisdiction: Australian Government

Committee: House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Submission date: 16 August 2017


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