Social Care Community of Practice – 23 May 2024
Thursday, 23 May 2024, 3 – 5 pm AEST

The Social Care Community of Practice (CoP) is a series of online meetings and events designed to develop a network of people and enterprises interested in business model innovation involving new models of ownership that empower consumers and workers in social care.
Thank you to all who joined us for our May 2024 Social Care Community of Practice meeting, which examined “Introducing Mutual Value Measurement© (MVM) and how it is being used with Care Together projects”.
During this session, the BCCM’s CEO, Melina Morrison and Care Together Program Director, Gillian McFee, provided an update on the Care Together Program and Care Together projects.
Peter Hunt, Project Delivery Team Lead, Care Together, provided an overview of Mutual Value Measurement© (MVM) and how it helps co-ops and mutuals articulate their mutual value through a set of common dimensions and shared language.
Annabelle Williams, Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), Rural Health Access Manager, spoke about HNECC PHN’s experience with MVM.
Co-operatives and mutuals benefit from being able to identify and communicate the difference they make to customers, members, markets and the wider community.
However, this is challenging because the usual financial metrics of corporate success are not easily applied when there is a mutual business purpose.
By viewing the organisation through the lens of mutual value, co-ops and mutuals can systematically identify, measure and report on the value they create.
The BCCM’s CEO, Melina Morrison and Care Together Program Director, Gillian McFee, facilitated this discussion and Q&A.
Email Nicole Vlakic to apply to join the Social Care Community of Practice and be added to the CoP mailing list.
If you missed our past CoP webinars, you can watch them online.
Guest speakers
Peter Hunt, Project Delivery Team Lead, Care Together
Peter serves as a co-operative developer for Care Together projects and has actively participated in the stakeholder and community engagement processes. Peter introduces our projects to the benefits of Mutual Value Measurement©, and how the framework will assist in measuring their co-op’s mutual value.
Peter is Managing Partner of UK-based Mutuo which he founded in 2001 as the first cross mutual sector body to promote co-operative and mutual business to opinion formers and decision makers.
In 2018/19 he led the successful industry alliance to develop the Australian Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019, the first renewal of Australian mutuals legislation for 20 years.
Annabelle Williams, Rural Health Access Manager, HNECC PHN
In her role as Manager of Rural Health Access for the HNECC PHN, Annabelle is leading the “Better Health for the Bush Project” in New England, one of our Care Together projects.
Annabelle is a Health Manager who currently works in primary care sector with The PHN, based in the New England North West. Annabelle believes that working with together and collaborating in health, can create powerful outcomes for patients and communities.
Annabelle holds a Bachelor of Science, Food and Nutrition and a Masters in Community Nutrition, and is complimented with the Australian College of Health Service Executive Program and Project Management. She has worked across various aspect of the health sector, domestically at the Ministry of Health, Aged Care, LHD, Mental Health, PHN and internationally on the Tonga and Narau Health Projects.
- Welcome to Country
- Welcome and introductory comments, Melina Morrison, CEO BCCM
- Care Together Program update, Gillian McFee, Program Director, Care Together
- Program overview and purpose.
- Implementation progress and achievements.
- Care Together Program Advisory Committee update.
- Mutual Value Measurement, Peter Hunt, Project Delivery Team Lead, Care Together
- MVM introduction
- Role of MVM in Care Together projects so far
- Hunter New England Central Coast PHN (HNECC PHN) MVM experience, Annabelle Williams – HNECC PHN Rural Health Access Manager
- How the MVM tool has assisted with project
- Q&A
- Facilitated panel discussion
- Q&A
- Closing comments
- Next Social Care Community of Practice
- Thursday, 29 August 2024
- Topic: Lifting the lid on more Care Together projects and building understanding about the Research and Evaluation element to the program.
- The purpose of the Social Care Community of Practice (CoP) is to develop a community of practitioners to share knowledge, learnings, and experiences about how to establish co-operatives and mutual enterprises in social care.
- Social Care CoP members will consist of people who are interested in knowing more about co-operatives and mutuals and understanding how this business model can apply either to existing enterprises or start-ups.
- The Social Care CoP will start as a self-help initiative based on open sharing of ideas and knowledge. As commitment grows, and as resources become available, the aim is for this to evolve to foster deeper learning and application through the establishment of a Mutual Support Program for some targeted innovation projects in thin markets.
- Social Care CoP members should ensure regular representation at the CoP meetings.
- BCCM will provide a secretariat function for the Social Care CoP.
- BCCM will invite practitioners to join the Social Care CoP based on a registration of interest.
- BCCM members may request to join the CoP.
- Following two introductory sessions led by BCCM, the CoP will co-design a program of meetings and/or events that will be promoted by BCCM and members of the CoP.
- BCCM commits to organising three free CoP meetings annually with an agenda circulated prior to the meeting. Other events will be held on a cost-recovery basis reflecting the shared interests of the CoP.
- Discussions and sharing of information will be done under the Chatham House Rule.
Related events and education
Browse our Community of Practice meetings, education sessions and local roadshows.
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